Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Monday, June 4: Seattle

My last full day in Seattle was a busy one. My cousin Melinda and I spent all day walking it seemed and playing around outside, even though we were a bit chilled. Luckily, there wasn’t too much rain.

We started near the University of Washington campus at an old gas company that had been converted to a picnic area with a great view.
 The library on campus is the most beautiful I’ve seen, with the world’s largest book, and the top floor which looks like a scene from Harry Potter. What a nice place to study.
 Since Melinda and I both love plants, we stopped by the greenhouse and the medicinal herb garden. The greenhouse warmed us up and had so many plants I had never seen. In the herb garden, there were lots of plants I knew from mixing tea, but had never seen in a non-dried form.
Next we stopped to watch dogs play at a dog park and picked out our favorites.
We visited the locks and watched two boats water-lifted up. This was fun to see, even though Melinda explained it’s a little awkward if you’re the one on the boat and all the tourists (like us) are watching. 

 We also ended up at the Burke Museum, which I had learned about during school, so I was happy to visit.

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