Tuesday, May 22, 2012

one trip!

A few years ago, after a graduation previous to my most recent, I received this card from my parents:
This card is good for one trip, anywhere in the world. For a long time I could not make up my mind. Of course I have a list of places in the world I'd love to see, but I held on to it while I had other things going on, namely a few more years of school. With one more graduation come and gone, I am finally ready to take some time off from it all. So where did I choose? Just about as far as I can possibly go-- a small area in Qinghai, China located in Golok Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.

It's not exactly known as a tourist destination and this is the only photo I could find somewhat close by:

Fortunately, I'll be staying with friends there. Also fortunately, even though I don't know any Chinese beyond 'hello' and 'I love you', I do know some Tibetan. I've have been practicing the local dialect, which is different from what I know. Everyone I've spoken with from the area has been incredibly helpful in preparing for this venture, so I'm ready to be there.