Friday, July 1, 2011

Taste every fruit of every tree in the garden at least once. It is an insult to creation not to experience it fully. --Stephen Fry

Today, for the first time in my life, I ate a fresh fig. I was never able to find them in Kansas, but at Trader Joe's today, I found these, grown somewhere in California:
They're every bit as good as I imagined, and it makes me want to grow fig trees even more! It's really great to see the foods people grow here, even in their backyards. There is a docent who has shared with everyone else at the museum bags and bags of the juiciest oranges from his trees, and just the other day I was given a nice large avocado from his yard as well. He also grows pommelos, like giant grapefruits, that he says are on a tiny little tree, and tangerines, lemons, blood oranges... I was even at a coffeeshop the other day that had a basket of free lemons, just from the owner's own yard.

Another new experience for me was jackfruit. I frequently visit the Asian grocery, as it is the cheapest grocery store near my house, and I see all sorts of new fruit that I have usually only heard about in recipes. The jackfruit itself is a little intimidating, so I opted for a canned version.
Okay, so the jackfruit in the store wasn't quite this large, but these things can reach up to 80 pounds! The taste is difficult to describe, but it's sweet and somewhat fiberous, sort of like a mango.

Needless to say, I've been eating a lot of fruit lately!

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