Tuesday, September 13, 2011

fennel harvest

Remember how I talked about going out to a canyon in San Diego and filling bags of weeds, including fennel?
 Before I came home to Kansas, I went out to the lake near my house and harvested some of my own. Here, you can see it filling out the sides of the trail, usually about 6 to 10 feet high!
 I collected a lovely amount of seeds, and set them out to dry in the sun once I got back to Kansas.
 But, silly me, after an entire dry summer in California, I forgot it actually rains in Kansas. My seeds were soaked and then turned moldy. Very disappointed, I tossed them in with the soil in one of my pots while re-potting another plant, and took a trip to the store for some instead. Several weeks later, look!
I guess I'll have to think about thinning them out eventually.

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