Friday, July 12, 2013

the past week

I'm getting accustomed to a new house, and with that, I'm having to adjust to the internet being less available. That's alright. It's leaving me plenty of time to read real books, study up on my languages, and enjoy the outdoors. I'll have to get back into typing out blog posts offline, then pasting them like I did last summer. For now though, some photos.

The trio of young geese are still hovering around the museum grounds. They follow anyone, which mostly ends up more along the lines of chasing everyone. We have tried herding, but you physically have to shove them along to steer them back to the pond-- most stubborn! These are not my mother's ducks.
 I was playing Mama Goose here, as you can tell.
 walking after work one day, when it was still foggy from rain
 I love coming home to these five sheep. They always greet you with 
a loud bahhh! The lightest brown one is the friendliest and always comes up looking for something to eat, or a rub on its patch of forehead wool.

 And of course, Woods Hole, my favorite!


  1. Replies
    1. They are now completely sheared! I didn't realize how small they actually are under all that wool.
