Thursday, July 25, 2013

coast to mountains

The day I leave the East Coast is the day it finally cools off to where I need more than a single sheet on me at night. It was down to about 60 which caused a moment of pause this morning as I left the house thinking I might not have packed enough layers for the mountains of Colorado. We'll see. I'm currently sitting in the Boston airport, having woken up at 3 am to take the bus from 1.5 hours south. The bus was freezing, the airport is freezing, so I am now wearing half the contents of my suitcase.

The past few days I spent on foot, for once, in the territory that is usually reserved for my cycling. My New Yorker friend JJ and I had planned to ride bikes down to swim at the beach, but it was a bit stormy, and so we did a walking tour instead of all the pretty churches, gardens and houses in Falmouth that I often pass by while on my bike. It was great to see them up close.

The plane just pulled in to the gate and unloaded, so it won't be too long. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to pop a Dramamine and proceed to my torpor state for the duration of the flight.

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