Saturday, April 6, 2013

Boston, again

Today was another Boston day, more successful than the first. I took the mid-morning train in to downtown Boston. About 20 minutes out, all of us passengers suddenly heard and felt a CLUNK, CLUNK, CLUNK...all the way down the train. It sounded like we had run over a boulder, or a piece of the train had fallen off and had gotten stuck underneath. We were pretty sure it wasn't a person or other living creature though. They stopped the train, completely turned it off for some time, then after we had waited, the engineer came on the intercom and said they would test the brakes and be on our way. Everything went smoothly after that, although we never did find out what had happened.

Once in Boston, I stopped for lunch at a dumpling cafe in Chinatown, since it is very nearby the train station. I spent most of my day walking downtown after that.
 There was a short ferry to the other side of the harbor to see the USS Constitution (from the War of 1812) and a WWII destroyer, the USS Cassin Young, in a dry dock. It was really windy everywhere near the water, and especially on the boat, but I had on my down jacket and hood, so I stayed on the outside deck.

 Painting the hull

 So narrow-- I bet it's fast!

USS Constitution

 Massachusetts state capitol building

Boston Common

Everyone was out enjoying the sun, even if it was still cold.


  1. I like the narrow hip. I wonder what its history/function is?

  2. Ship. I typed ship AFTER I hit send. Narrow SHIP.

  3. It was used in WWII and the Korean War, built in CA, and it traveled all over:
