Friday, April 5, 2013

another president's museum

What a timely post from another blog I frequent, as I just visited Boston for the first time today. I can't say I'm used to the accents yet: "Banging a Left in Boston".

I really only got around to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, and then Ikea on my way out of town. The traffic was too much. I figure I will come back another day when I can get around on public transportation or walk. I ended up taking my auto tour through the city, so I didn't get any photos past the museum. I parked the car for $8 worth to take a walk in Cambridge, and had a great meal at a Tibetan restaurant-- momos and all. It seems to be a beautiful city, so I'm eager to return and spend more time there. Being only an hour away, I'm sure I will have plenty of opportunities to do so.

It took about 30 minutes to locate JFK's museum, which turned out to be hidden away in the UMass campus on the water. I loved this portrait done by Elaine de Kooning.
           There were more galleries than expected focusing on Jackie Kennedy, which was enjoyable. There was a video that included her talking about how she had worried beforehand that moving into the White House would destroy her marriage, but then she later noted that those were her happiest years.
 The museum building itself has an amazing view out to the harbor. It was a very clear day, and it eventually warmed up to nearly 60 degrees!
                                                  Here's the largest American flag I've ever seen.
                                                                The city looks so small from far away...
                                                                                    Rippling water
It's been a while since I took a history class, and the last time I learned about the presidents was about 5th grade, so I really enjoy going to these presidential libraries & museums. I think it will be my new goal to visit each one!

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