Sunday, January 12, 2014

cabin fever

The weather lately up here in the Northeast has been alternating between frigid/snowy and moderate/rainy, and the puppy and I have been enjoying our morning runs-- either on cross-country skis or on foot. We are lucky that there are so few people out right now because that means the pup can get her sillies out off-leash. Her favorite activity is reaching the beach, where she darts back and forth across the sand, as fast and as happy as can be. I'm not sure what it is about the beach, but that's where she really gets excited!

After all that energy exertion, back in we go where that tired puppy sleeps for most of the rest of the day. That leaves the rest of the day free for me. There are not as many work hours at the stores now that the holidays are over, so I've been doing a lot of at-home projects and activities. However, a few days ago it hit me that I wanted to go out and do something. (I can state with confidence that there is really not much in the way of open businesses on Cape Cod in the winter, at least if you prefer something other than Starbucks or Wal-Mart.)

So, my friend and I grabbed a discount pass from the library and headed to the New Bedford Whaling Museum where we learned all about the history of whaling in the area. Who knew there was so much trade between New Bedford and places like the Azores, Cape Verde, and the northern Pacific? Of course it makes sense for island and coastal communities to form trade alliances leading to the exchange and movement of people. That always fascinates me, so in the spirit of these cross-cultural exchanges, we ended up eating at a Portuguese cafe for a late lunch. I chose a not-quite-American burger that included linguiƧa, a fried egg, sliced potatoes and some incredibly spicy chilies, which after one burning bite I promptly removed.
 Lots of scrimshaw...
 I recognized this from my graduate studies as a Loango carved whale tooth
 The largest model ship ever built
 grey day
 I spy... lots of fishing boats

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