Sunday, November 6, 2011

AnDa Union

We've made it to the second half of the school semester, which is a relief, but also means that much more work to make it to winter break. That paired with the cooler weather and fewer daylight hours and I find myself working inside more, especially through the weekends. I do make sure to take an hour each day for running, and other times I get to do something especially exciting, such as I did last night listening to Mongolian music on campus, played by the group AnDa Union. It was amazing!

I bought a ticket over a month ago because I was tired of a) getting stuck in the second balcony or b) the event being sold out every time I went to see something. Luckily, I was placed in the 6th row center along with all the "supporters" of KU who pay a lot of money to be able to buy tickets before everyone else.

My favorite instrument they played, the morin khuur:

The name morin khuur means, quite descriptively, "fiddle with a horse's head". How beautiful is that? I wish my violin had a carved scroll.
This particular instrument has a sound similar to a cello, and is held between the knees like a cello as well. There were all sorts of other instruments played, including a flute where I couldn't figure out why the player had his mouth open, until I realized he both sang and played at the same time!
And the sound is sooo'll just have to listen

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