Wednesday, April 9, 2014

day trip to Newport

Last year, one of the first sure signs of spring on Cape Cod was the crocus blooms. This year, I found the same. They are everywhere, much like the daffodils will be in a few weeks. I discovered a nice little patch of them out by the wood pile this afternoon.
The pup apparently found these springtime blooms before I had, as I noticed one of her many holes-to-China was nearby. Her humans are about to make their way back to the Cape in a few days, just in time for the tolerable weather. They have still requested the heat be turned up to 70 in their part of the house.

Being with the dog for the past three months has been very enjoyable, although I will sure be glad to be able to get away for a few days and not have to worry about what to do with her. The other day I realized I had been on the Cape for nearly all of winter, save for a few trips up to Boston. That was quite a hibernation by my standards-- almost as if I had turned into one of these homebody New Englanders! So to celebrate the start of spring, I took a day trip to Newport, RI to visit the mansions. I never tire of visiting these lovely historic homes with their formidable architecture.
It was busier than I expected (tour groups already??) although it was a beautiful Saturday. I know some people may not enjoy listening to a "guided" audio tour, but the stories told are fascinating to me. Life at that time in these houses was so different from what we know today, and it's just fun to imagine what it would have been like.
The beach was hopping as well with dry suit-clad surfers and stand-up paddle boarders.

I stopped for lunch at the same restaurant shown to me by the hostel owner I had stayed with back in November, Anthony's, and enjoyed a salmon burger. The restaurant was actually featured on the TV show Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives a few years ago. It's definitely a local place, and I do love to escape the tourists...

Next week's adventure: Acadia National Park in Maine. It's been on my list of places to see for quite a while!

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