Wednesday, January 30, 2013

another (smaller) snow day

It's nearly February, but I'm happy to say there's been some snow this winter- not enough to go cross country skiing today, but a snow hike was just the thing. I was the only one out besides a few women running, and a man with his puppy and loaf of bread, feeding the geese.
(Speaking of feeding the wildlife, I haven't seen my squirrel around, or many other squirrels for that matter, lately. One of their nests has deteriorated, so it seems they have perhaps moved on. I also hadn't been setting bird seed out either.)
There was plenty of snow blowing around while I was out this morning, but it felt wonderful to be outside.

It's strange to think this park is right in the middle of Kansas City, but it's big enough that you can't really tell. I saw several garden areas as well, so I bet it's beautiful in the spring. 

With a day off,  today was also a good day for baking, so I made an apple fig galette!

Last week I worked more than 16 hours in one day, at the end of which I was so tired that I didn't even feel tired anymore. I stayed late for the museum's biggest fundraiser of the year, for young professionals. I greeted the VIP guests and made sure the open bar didn't produce any debacles. As another officer put it, "at least everyone kept their digits", referring to an incident a few years ago where partiers rushed the coat check at the end of the night and one fellow got his finger literally smashed off in the door frame. Luckily, it was reattached and all was *mostly* well. They put narrower spouts on the taps this year and everyone commented on how generally mellow the evening was!

The exhibit I was staying on for at the art museum has finally closed, after they extended it for another week, but we are all glad we will no longer be listening to the same video being played on repeat. I have agreed to stay at the museum, until I find a full time job elsewhere. Tomorrow starts a new work week, and hopefully a new exhibit for Chinese New Year.

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